
What Are We Here For?


is a social justice engineer and graduate student based in Seattle, Washington, holding a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Bachelor’s degree in law and justice. Passionate about working against the violence, marginalization, and exploitation experienced by those entangled in systems of individual, institutional and cultural oppression. With an excitement for educating, building relationships and strong communities, and challenging existing ideas of knowledge.

Care not carceral

is inspired by the care we should be placing into our communities and society rather than promoting and allowing the expansion of carceral solutions and the carceral state. Whether you consider yourself an abolitionist or simply think we need to reform our criminal justice system, there is something for you here.

Abolition of the carceral state is not simply about removing prisons and police. It is about building preventative systems that are supportive and learning how to mitigate and heal harm. It is about humanizing and decriminalizing all individuals.