Allison Mills Allison Mills

The Power To Kill

The retributive disposition of capital punishment seems to benefit the state and bring short-term relief to survivors with little consideration for the greater happiness of society. Victim services are underfunded and almost non-existent while exorbitant amounts of money are spent on long trials and several years of appeals. Considerations of how racism and classism appear ignored by several state governments and the federal government leave a disproportionate amount of Black people of color continually impacted. Sociological jurisprudence has left the door open for the state to “interpret” and write new case law as seen fit. As of yet the effectiveness of capital punishment in deterring future homicides cannot accurately be determined but evidence-based preventative measures are not being taken. Access to addiction services and mental health resources are scarce and inaccessible to many. The state’s actions which bring death in the name of a controversial definition of justice are performative and harmful.

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